Park a Domain

  • This service is provided at no charge - you still have to pay any applicable Registry Fees though - ie a "" domain is currently R95.00 a year.
  • We need to collect information about the domain you wish to register including your personal information.
  • This information will be passed on to the appropriate Registry as required.
  • Incorrect information may be grounds to having your domain name removed from service.
  • Moving your mouse over the input fields below will provide suggestions as to what to enter. Guidelines are also provided.
  • After you have completed the form, clicking on [Submit] will add your information to our system.
  • You may be asked to first correct some information, ie - a domain should NOT have a www portion or the domain must not already exist within this system.
  • You will then be redirected to the login page where you should use your domain name as the login and your password as the password. You can then complete the process.
  • You can also update details about your domain - ie Address changes.
  • To add further functionality to your domain name (ie Web Site, E-Mail addresses) - you must convert this domain to a 'Paid-for' service. To do that - please contact Mark Elkins of Posix Systems on 082 601 0496
  • You can move your domain elsewhere whenever you choose - we will not intentionally hinder you - but please notify us a working day in advance.
  • This service is provided as a best effort service. Remember, you are not paying us for anything.
Questions? - Click to Chat → WhatsApp

Welcome to the Park-a-Domain page at Posix's website

Step 1 - Registrant information (a.k.a. the domain "owner")      Read the Guidelines first
The Domain Name*
Your Name* Company*
  This will be visible. Please record/memorise it!
VAT No. Co. Reg. No.
Postal Address (for postal delivery)Street Address (for door-to-door delivery)
Postal* Street*
Postal (cont) Street (cont)
Postal (cont) Street (cont)
City* City*
Province Province
Post Code Post Code
Country Country
Phone numbers must be in the International format eg. '+27.113140077'
Telephone* Extn. Fax Extn.
Cell Phone E-Mail*
Verification Code
Case insensitive
TheCode Your IP Address

The Domain Name This should be something like "". There should be no "www" part. It should somehow be associated to yourself. Long names are not usually a good idea. This will also become your "login" name in the next step of the process. It is always lower-case. The usable characters are "0-9", "a-z" and the "-" sign. The "." (dot) is used to seperate elements of the name. Elements can not start or end with the "-" (dash/minus) character and are limited to 64 characters. You must specify the "" or ".com" (or whatever) part of the domain name.
Your Name This information be used for Legal Corrispondance. Type it as you would like to see it. Capitolise the first character of your Given and Family name.
Password If you mouse click on this field, the system will automatically generate a password for you. You can choose your own password as well. You can change this later.
Company Name This should be your Company Name. If you do not have a company - then put your name in here instead. This field will identify the legal entity that holds registrant rights to the domain name.
Postal Address If you don't have a Postal Address then put your Street Address here. Both Postal and Street addersses are split over a number of fields. The first part of the address and the City are both mandatory.
Street Address This is your Domicilium Citandi et Executandi. This must be a true street address at which you can be contacted. If you don't wish to provide your own address due to privacy concerns then arrange with your legal representative (or similar) to use their address. Providing incorrect information would be grounds to having a domain name withdrawn from public use.
Telephone Provide it in the International form - ie +27.12xxxxxxx - would be for a number in Pretoria, South Africa. If you have privacy concerns, consider the points above.
Fax This field is optional but the more information you provide, the easier it is to contact you if there is a problem.
Cell Phone This field is optional but the more information you provide, the easier it is to contact you if there is a problem. The value here is only used by our support staff and is not passed on to any third parties including the Registry people.
E-Mail This should be a working e-mail address. Electronic invoices from the Registry operator will be sent to this address. You may consider using a 'role-account' -
ie could be the role account (it plays the role of looking after your domain names) and once it reaches your machine - you redirect it to yourself and other relevant addresses.
Comments For anything else you'd like to add.

park.php: Last modified: Friday, 1st November, 2024 @ 14:30 +00:00 - php 7.4.33 - - Johannesburg